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Polestar Precept: thou shall be sustainable

Polestar Precept

Can luxury be sustainable ?With the Precept concept, Polestar charts the course for its product plans and styling direction in the form of an elegant four door electric coupe. The swedish firm owned by chinese conglomerate Geely also wants to make a statement in terms of its approach to sustainability.

Polestar Precept

The tenets of this eco-conscious luxury philosophy build mainly on a careful selection of interior materials. Leather hides, raw plastics and chromes are replaced by lighter and stronger recycled or natural materials.

Polestar Precept Matérials

For instance, use of Bcomp’s flax-based composites for interior panels and seatbacks offer significant improvements over conventional materials, including up to 50% saving in weight and up to 80% reduction of plastic waste.

Polestar Precept

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