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Czinger 21C: hybrid hypercar with tandem layout

Czinger 21C

A new american hybrid hypercar  with stunning claims.

Czinger is a new hypercar outfit baesed in Los Angeles. Their first development, the 21C hypercar, is being teased ahead of its world premiere at the 2020 Geneva Autoshow. Production will be limited to 80 cars, proposed to wealthy amateurs in two configurations: track-oriented or road-oriented.

Czinger 21C

A unique characteristic is the narrow cabin and in-line tandem layout of the passenger seat behind the driver. Czinger is yet to publish pictures of the interior.

Czinger 21C

The 21C is powered by a flatplane twin turbo V8 with only 2.88L of displacement, mated to a 7 gear automatic transmission. The combustion engine crankshaft drives a generator which stores energy in a lithium-titanate battery of unknown capacity. The battery supplies energy to two electric motors which drive one of the front wheels each, thereby enableing torque vectoring functions.

System power is claimed at 1250 hp at 10’500 rpm, while the redline is set at a dizzying 11’000 rpm.

Czinger 21C

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