La nouvelle Lotus Evora (projet Eagle)

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Re: La nouvelle Lotus Evora (projet Eagle)

Message par Corsugone » 21 janv. 2013 19:20

Tu ne comprends rien à l'art :mrgreen:
"I have a problem with Porsches. They're wonderful cars, but I know I could never live with one. I don't go around saying that Porsches are a pile of dung, but I do know that psychologically I couldn't handle owning one" Rowan Atkinson.

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Re: La nouvelle Lotus Evora (projet Eagle)

Message par Corsugone » 22 janv. 2013 22:46

Décidément l'EVORA adore la neige !

We haven't had much snow this year, but a few days is enough to get a feel for the Evora in snow.

It's amazing.

While it's not the ultimate traction machine (carrera 4), it does surprisingly well with snow tires. The feedback through the steering wheels is so direct you can actually feel the snow crunching under the tires. no exaggeration!). Turning off sport mode (I have an MY12 IPS) puts it in to an autopilot cruise mode where it seems to always deliver just the right amount of power. (which is why it's so underwhelming on dry). Turning on sport mode, and turning off the traction control gives you such fine control over rear wheel traction that it quickly becomes the lazy way to turn around a corner. (rather than moving your hands on the wheel, just break the rear traction to tighten the corner).

I still wouldn't recommend it as an only car if you get any real snow, as the ground clearance still sucks, and the first piece of the car to hit anything is that thin lip that doesn't look like it can take a hit.

So -- if anybody else is considering ordering a set of snows, go for it! They're actually more fun than high performance summers on dry, and turn an SUV day in to an extremely fun commute.

"I have a problem with Porsches. They're wonderful cars, but I know I could never live with one. I don't go around saying that Porsches are a pile of dung, but I do know that psychologically I couldn't handle owning one" Rowan Atkinson.

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Re: La nouvelle Lotus Evora (projet Eagle)

Message par Corsugone » 23 janv. 2013 08:58

L'EVORA S offerte à Bob Lutz en gage de ses bons et loyaux conseils promulgués à Bahar lors de son passage au board de Lotus n'a jamais vu son futur propriétaire. Elle est maintenant à vendre dans une concession américaine. Je suppute que l'affaire va se terminer sur e-bay .... par ICI. De toute façaon Lutz roule en ZR1, qu'aurait-il pu faire d'une demi-portion ?

"I have a problem with Porsches. They're wonderful cars, but I know I could never live with one. I don't go around saying that Porsches are a pile of dung, but I do know that psychologically I couldn't handle owning one" Rowan Atkinson.

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Re: La nouvelle Lotus Evora (projet Eagle)

Message par Corsugone » 24 janv. 2013 20:33

ça rigole plus, va falloir se cracher dans les mains ...

"I have a problem with Porsches. They're wonderful cars, but I know I could never live with one. I don't go around saying that Porsches are a pile of dung, but I do know that psychologically I couldn't handle owning one" Rowan Atkinson.

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Re: La nouvelle Lotus Evora (projet Eagle)

Message par sylvain007 » 24 janv. 2013 22:00

c est ou?
Lotus Elise S2 135R + Jag XJ6 + Golf VII

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Re: La nouvelle Lotus Evora (projet Eagle)

Message par Corsugone » 24 janv. 2013 22:13

Dans le nord-ouest de l'Ecosse, péninsule d'Applecross.

"I have a problem with Porsches. They're wonderful cars, but I know I could never live with one. I don't go around saying that Porsches are a pile of dung, but I do know that psychologically I couldn't handle owning one" Rowan Atkinson.

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Re: La nouvelle Lotus Evora (projet Eagle)

Message par Corsugone » 30 janv. 2013 20:07

Dans le cadre de leur essai longue durée de l'EVORA S, nos amis de Car ont voyagé jusqu'à l'usine afin d'essayer l'Exige S. Conclusion "lapalissienne", l'EVORA S reste plus exploitable et l'Exige S apparait bien plus proche de la Noble 400 que n'importe quel anglaise.

Promener vos enfants en EVORA .... mais rappelez-vous que la maltraitance peut coûter cher.
"I have a problem with Porsches. They're wonderful cars, but I know I could never live with one. I don't go around saying that Porsches are a pile of dung, but I do know that psychologically I couldn't handle owning one" Rowan Atkinson.

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Re: La nouvelle Lotus Evora (projet Eagle)

Message par Corsugone » 31 janv. 2013 09:14

"I have a problem with Porsches. They're wonderful cars, but I know I could never live with one. I don't go around saying that Porsches are a pile of dung, but I do know that psychologically I couldn't handle owning one" Rowan Atkinson.

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Re: La nouvelle Lotus Evora (projet Eagle)

Message par Corsugone » 31 janv. 2013 14:25

Prix EVORA Sport Racer (Source CLF)

- Modèle Atmo : 71000€ (+5770€ /modèle standard)
- Modèle S : 81000€ (+6720€ /modèle standard)

Disponibles à la commande, notons que d'origine ces modèles inclus d'origine une configuration 2+2 (+3.520€), le Pack Premium sport (3.120€), le Pack Tech (3.610€), le Pack Sport (1.610€), Jante design, noir brillant (3.195€), freins et suspensions Lotus Sport. Un choix de quatre coloris de peintures (métalisées ou pas) à minima 1100€. Si on fait le total des options incluses, nous arrivons à 16.155€, à comparer aux surcoûts ...

Je suppute que pour relancer les ventes anémiques d'EVORA Lotus soit obligé de casser les prix. Il ne serait pas impossible que les MY2014 soient maintenant fortement optionnés d'origine, la Sport Racer matérialisant le MY2013.

"I have a problem with Porsches. They're wonderful cars, but I know I could never live with one. I don't go around saying that Porsches are a pile of dung, but I do know that psychologically I couldn't handle owning one" Rowan Atkinson.

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Re: La nouvelle Lotus Evora (projet Eagle)

Message par Corsugone » 31 janv. 2013 20:16




"I have a problem with Porsches. They're wonderful cars, but I know I could never live with one. I don't go around saying that Porsches are a pile of dung, but I do know that psychologically I couldn't handle owning one" Rowan Atkinson.

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Re: La nouvelle Lotus Evora (projet Eagle)

Message par Corsugone » 06 mars 2013 19:24

La sympathique EVORA continue son show dans ce nouveau trailer ...
"I have a problem with Porsches. They're wonderful cars, but I know I could never live with one. I don't go around saying that Porsches are a pile of dung, but I do know that psychologically I couldn't handle owning one" Rowan Atkinson.

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Re: La nouvelle Lotus Evora (projet Eagle)

Message par Flatabi » 07 mars 2013 09:58

Fantastique auto pour se faire ramener du restaurant par un ami, accompagné à l'arrière de la jolie jeune fille que l'on convoite. Du moins pour les moins d'1m70...

Corsugone a écrit :Dans le cadre de leur essai longue durée de l'EVORA S, nos amis de Car ont voyagé jusqu'à l'usine afin d'essayer l'Exige S. Conclusion "lapalissienne", l'EVORA S reste plus exploitable et l'Exige S apparait bien plus proche de la Noble 400 que n'importe quel anglaise.

Promener vos enfants en EVORA .... mais rappelez-vous que la maltraitance peut coûter cher.

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Re: La nouvelle Lotus Evora (projet Eagle)

Message par Corsugone » 11 mars 2013 17:17

Lotus obtient partiellement gain de cause et voit l'homologation US de l'EVORA prolongée de 12 mois, soit jusqu'à Mars 2014. Pour rappel, la ceinture de sécurité du modèle ne répond plus aux normes Américaines. Lotus demandait 28 mois, Lotus arguant qu'un nouveau mécanisme de ceinture coûterait 4M$, soit beaucoup trop pour un volume de vente bien trop faible surtout en période de crise économique.

Notons que l'Elise a déjà perdu la fameuse homologation sur le marché US, si l'EVORA venait à perdre la sienne il se pourrait que ce soit la goutte d'eau qui fasse déborder le vase ...
"I have a problem with Porsches. They're wonderful cars, but I know I could never live with one. I don't go around saying that Porsches are a pile of dung, but I do know that psychologically I couldn't handle owning one" Rowan Atkinson.

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Re: La nouvelle Lotus Evora (projet Eagle)

Message par emilotus » 12 mars 2013 14:31





...pictured by Zeus...
...Jim Clark Kent still alive... [img][/img]

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Re: La nouvelle Lotus Evora (projet Eagle)

Message par Thorburn » 25 mars 2013 19:09

Corsugone a écrit :Dans le nord-ouest de l'Ecosse, péninsule d'Applecross.

Drove that in 2009. Misty at the top but got better lower down. :)

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